Instrumentation Data Analysis Tips and Tricks
- Non-member - $55
- Member - $105
This webinar will focus on how to analyze the data from instrumentation to understand project performance. It will highlight common errors and misunderstandings to be avoided as well as how to identify concerning data.
30min – Jeff Barrett (Barrett Consulting, Inc.) – Data analysis considerations and overview
30min – Pierre Choquet (RST) – Piezometer data analysis
30min – Mike Davis (Stantec) - Manual slope inclinometer data analysis – the finer points, pitfalls, and short-comings.
30min – Panel Discussion – Q/A
Eligible for 2 PDHs

John Hynes, PE
Geotechnical Engineer
John Hynes has 11 years of experience in geotechnical engineering, largely on dam and hydropower projects. John's experience includes geotechnical analysis and design, instrumentation data collection and analysis, and construction monitoring of heavy civil projects involving hydroelectric powerplants, earth and rockfill embankments, foundation improvements, rock blasting, and excavations. John grew up in Chicago, IL and attended the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana where he earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in Civil Engineering. After receiving his master's degree in 2008, John began working at Stantec (then MWH) in their Chicago office.

Mike Davis
Senior Geotechnical Consultant
With more than 15 years of geotechnical engineering experience, Mike is passionate about the use of technology and enhanced dam monitoring practices that make dam operations and mining projects safer and more sustainable. In his current role, Mike’s primary focus on enhancement of dam safety management systems allows project and client teams to achieve greater efficiency and confidence in making important operational and management decisions. He is best known for geotechnical performance monitoring using discretized sensor networks, automated systems, GIS based inspection and monitoring systems, and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) analysis.
Pierre Choquet
Technical Advisor, Vice-President of Market Development
RST Instruments
Pierre has been involved in the field of Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring for most of his career. He joined RST Instruments in 2007. Pierre graduated in Geological Engineering (Engineering Geology) from Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal and subsequently obtained a doctorate degree in Rock Mechanics from Ecole des Mines de Paris in France. From 1982 to 1993 he was a faculty member at the department of Mining and Metallurgy of Laval University in Quebec City where his specialty was rock mechanics, ground control, and applied geology. Pierre is a member of the ICOLD Technical Committee on Dam Surveillance and is also the Editor of the Instrumentation and Monitoring column of the Canadian Geotechnique magazine.

Jeff Barrett
Barrett Consulting, Inc.
Jeff has over 15 years’ of industry experience including 5 years with an instrumentation manufacturer and 10 years with a global engineering firm.
Jeff holds degrees in Civil Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering as well as a diploma in Technology Management and Entrepreneurship from the University of New Brunswick in Canada.
Jeff has worked on instrumentation projects for several high profile sites including Boone Dam, Oroville Dam, Samarco Mine, Zelazny Most Tailings Dam, and multiple Canadian oil sands projects. He has also worked on geotechnical analysis and design projects in the dams, mining, and Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) sectors for clients such as Tennessee Valley Authority, US Army Corps of Engineers, Atlantic Gold, Trevali, and Vale.